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Shipping and Delivery

1- How does it take my order to be shipped?


International orders are shipped 2-10 days after placing the order through DHL, Arameks and Skynet Cargo.

This span may differ for products provided from the supplier firms.

When your order is shipped, an e-mail including information for tracking your order is sent to your registered e-mail address.


2- How long does delivery take?


Your order is sent to shipping company in the minimum time following the conformation of the orders.

The delivery span may differ according to the shipping company and the address. You can track your orders with the shipping code sent to your e-mail address.


3- How much does the shipping cost?


You can see the total cost of your order on the payment page. The cost of your order is calculated according to the daily exchange rate. You can make your payment via Credit Card and Bank Card.


4- Where is my order?


You can track the situation of your order with the “Shipping Code” sent to your e-mail address.


5- Which shipping company do you work with?


In international orders; the shipping company varies on your location.